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Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Blessing Ch. 04 New Life?

It's been a while..

How are you? I've been fine.

I don't want to live in the past again. I should step forward, right?

So, i decide to not brings up any pain from the past.

I used to pitied my self.

But not anymore...

I'm tired.

Now, I'm trying to closed the door of the past.



Hi,  it's been a while.
How are you? U know, i found a job. I don't know it suit me or not, but i'll try. I have a good feeling about my boss. He is kind (i think). But, i still not sure, am i suppose to be here (in this company)?
I'll start working next week, i hope i do well. This is my first step to reach my goal, "better future".

I write you this message is because honestly i don't know what to do. Beside working, what should i do next? I'm entering my new life phase. I'm more independent now. But, i still not sure what should i do? I even don't know my passion. Can you give me a clue?

I know that was so random. U surely confuse right now.
Let's say I just bragging about my new job haha... (just kidding)

Well, I'll send you another message later.

See you soon.




There is so many thing that human don't understand.

Me too, i don't understand whats happen.

But i realize i don't need to understand.

I just need to let it go.


I must live well


I can become a Human

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